Best Niche Blogging Themes [Episode 11]

In Episode 11 of the Niche Blogging Tips Podcast, we discuss the Best Niche Blogging Themes. Of course, this is a subjective episode because others will like different WordPress themes because of many reasons like personal experiences, usability, cost and so many others. We compiled a very short list of WordPress themes that we’ve used based on some of the same factors that we previously laid out. Let us know what are the Best Themes that you currently use or have used previously. Leave your comment on our Facebook page or Apple Review section. Have you tapped into Episode 10?
Resources Mentioned In Episode 11
Elementor Themes
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Andre L. Vaughn 0:00
In episode 11 of the Niche Blogging Tips Podcast, we are going to discuss the best niche blogging themes that you can install on your WordPress blog.
Intro 0:13
Welcome to the niche blogging tips podcast where we help you start and grow a successful blog. And now your host, Andre Vaughn.
Promo 0:23
The thought of having a blog is so important, especially when you're new. But just like a lot of new bloggers, you get stuck in a lot of different places because you're getting all this information from all these different places, all these different bloggers or what not. But what we did was we put together a free mini course we call it the 5 Day Blogging, Mini Retreat is what we call it, and you can get that at anywhere on the website, Sign up for the 5 Day Blogging Mini Retreat, it's a FREE Mini course a free 5 Day Blogging Mini Retreat, check it out at
Andre L. Vaughn 1:03
I get lots of questions about what's the best blogging theme? What's the best thing? Can I use this? Can I use that? Can I use all of those everywhere that I want to put on my that I would like to put on my WordPress niche blog? Which one? Which one is easier? Which one is the hardest? You know, all of those crazy quick well, not crazy questions, but all of those different questions because people are just interested you know, everybody, you know, we have a mindset of we have this perfection mindset.
So we want to we just don't want to screw up anything but you're not going to screw you can't go wrong with WordPress, you know, if you're using a WordPress theme, any wordpress thing? Well, you can't go wrong. But that's a whole nother discussion, but I'm going to talk about four of them. Four that I actually think is the best. So if you have a niche blog, I think it's conducive to to using any of these. And the majority of these, the thing that I love about about these is that um, there's actually a, the ones I'm about to tell you, there's actually a bunch of a bunch of different themes within these because basically, these are pretty much website builders that I'm gonna blurt out to you here on this podcast.
But the first one that I'm going to talk about is Astra and Astra is probably the one of the most popular WordPress builders, and they actually have a free theme you can use but I would recommend getting a paid theme. So they actually, they actually break them down. And I guess the way their pricing is, they break them down as the pro Astra pro the essential bundle and the growth bundle or whatnot, you all can can check, check that out.
But um, they have, they have a bunch of different bunch of different layouts, a bunch of different templates, depending on you know, what niche you're in, or whatnot or what colors you may like, what design you may that you may like, as well and, and the majority of these and I'm telling you that they're fairly easy to, to install, fairly easy to customize, also so it's not it's not these are not going to be you know, it's not going to be anything you're going to have difficulty with WordPress is a pretty easy platform all and also if if something is built for the WordPress platform more than likely people are going to look for something on people who want to build something that's that's easy to put together.
And they say that goal is to help you cut down on web development time and help you build awesome websites that perform for your business and that's what we want it's definitely what we want Astro they have a bunch of different templates on here on they have some for E commerce for you know if you just want a regular just don't have a regular blog or what have you. There's a lot of stuff going on with this Astro web builder and all the the nooks and crannies, the with the with the way the layouts and designs and typography, all of that stuff is easy. That's why I always talk about the WordPress platform because you know, it's in terms of integrating, you know, different different things with it and stuff as well. So it's pretty, pretty easy a web builder to go with the other.
So real popular one Elementor Elementor is pretty easy to use. use. And I want to say that about all of these because like I said, all of them are easy to easy to use and throw a nice design together, you know, with the drag and drop editors and, you know, the different widgets or whatnot is easy. And it has a lot of different a lot of different videos on the elements or theme as well, that'll that'll show you how easy you can use it and all the different things that can help you grow your business with it.
So I have pop up builders, theme builders, a theme builder that's fairly easy to use. And all of these have the same kind of pricing thing, you know, they want to offer a free version or whatnot, but you're only gonna get so far with that. So and seems like the price and is seems like the pricing is all pretty similar in how to price ranges and all that but they're so easy to these web builders are so easy to use, and they're gonna save you a lot of a lot of time. There's a lot of WordPress blogs that are built with this Elementor theme. No, I'm telling you that right now, they have what's called a pro Elementor Pro and hosted Elementor side and you don't want that you want the Pro which is a plugin, you know once you pay for it, they give you I would imagine they email you the the license key and all of that for the plug in and you install it install a plugin on your WordPress blog.
One of the most popular themes is Elegant Themes. So their Divi WordPress theme is one of the best. One of the best themes on the WordPress, in the WordPress ecosystem. Divi that's di VI, and it says, Divi takes WordPress to a whole new level with this incredible advanced visual builder technology.
I really can't say which one is the quote unquote, best in terms of, I'll just use this one, I'll just use that one of the three that I just named. So all of them appear to be all of the ones that I named approved appear to be to be very similar to one another, their visual editing the the drag and drop feature. Just all of that the inline text editing, all that stuff is pretty much the same. You just have to, you know, do your research and figure out which one is for you. If if you want to go the route of one of these three, but you cannot go wrong with Astra Devi, which is the elegant, elegant, I'm sorry, elegant themes, or the Elementor thing.
Also, Optimize Press is a is a great one. And that's actually one I actually use this on a few of my sites, um, there's so much going on with this one, as well. And there's so many different features, you know, you have, you know, the landing pages, the sales pages, sales pages, you know, the marketing funnels, checkouts and payments. So I actually like Optimize Press, because I think it does more than the other three page builders. I believe Optimized Press is more than just the page builders, as I just kind of reeled off to you. Right there, you can actually, if you have a course that you want to start, you can actually do that, as well, using Optimized Press, they've changed a lot over the years has actually changed for the better over the years with all the different things that they that they add, and all the different ways that you can actually sell your products and services online Optimized Press, you cannot go wrong with it as well.
What WordPress theme are you using? Do you have any other ones that you think are better than the ones that I just spoke about?
Make sure you go to our private Facebook group and hey, let us know let's have a discussion, that's Also I'll leave. I'll leave the links in the show notes to all of these different things. So if you guys want to check that out, feel free to go to
In the next episode, I'm going to talk about different niche blogging ideas that I think are going to be pretty explosive in 2022. So make sure you join us in the next video. niche blogging tips episode that's gonna be episode number 12. And we'll see you guys in that episode so make sure you subscribe and all that good stuff. Appreciate it. See you guys next episode. Thank you.
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